Three Kings Episode 3: This is where the crazy starts...

MI 6 Deniable Assets:
Mr. Phillips (John) - older Dutch Engineer
Clifton - (Nick) - English Aviator
Victoria (Kathy) - English Scholar (maybe a little left of center)
Giovanni (Abandoned PC) - Italian hitman
Dr. O'Sullivan (Abandoned PC) - IRA Informant and Medical doctor (also left of center)
Radislav (Abandoned PC) - White Russian mercenary (KIA)
Czech Resistance:
Alex (Conrad) - A religious, if sometimes thief, young man
Pavel (Julian) - An ex-student in Prague, possibly a communist 

The session started with a very distributed party; Clifton and Mr. Phillips were with Father Andrej at the observation post overlooking Castle Karlstein, while Pavel, Giovanni, Victoria, Dr. O'Sullivan with a gang of Father Andrej's partisans in the woods. Father Andrej's plan was to sneak into Castle Hammerstein (he had an inside woman who would let him and the partisans in) and then free the children. Clifton and Mr. Phillips were pretty sure that he was nuts and wanted to try to sneak into Castle Hammerstein and see what was going on for themselves. Mr. Phillips figured out a way in and as the next night started the two climbed (eventually) up the old walls of the castle and slipped into an abandoned chapel on the side of the castle...the "castle" was more like a walled and a raised little village with old barracks towers and large manors houses on top of it.

Meanwhile...Team Victoria entered the castle with the partisans (and Father Andrej) and the (the partisans) started setting up different ambush sites aimed at the wehrmacht guards at the main gate, and at the vehicles in the castle's large open courtyard. With about ten remaining partisans Team Victoria made their snaking way through the smaller buildings up towards the ominous tower house (maybe five stories tall). Then, the Germans got wise, and the shootout started. Victoria and gang were hugging the outer wall, trying to avoid the big fight in the center of the castle between the partisans and the wehrmacht. After a little ways, the character ran into three guards and the Castle Commandant, Hauptman Steiner. In the ensuing fight, Pavel was killed, Giovanni grievously wounded, O'Sullivan throwing sticks of dynamite and Victoria and Hauptmann Steiner disappeared...
Clifton and Phillips find their way blocked by two SS guards...who happen to be looking in the wrong direction. Clifton shoots one in the back, while Mr. Phillips books it past the other and into the main building's door. Well played, but it leaves him alone inside, and Clifton to get shot by the remaining SS trooper! Seeing the error of his ways, Mr. Phillips exits the tower and shoots the remaining SS man in the back, and then runs to the unconscious and bleeding Clifton. Phillips gives first aide and gets Clifton on his feet...and into some new SS soldier cloths! Why? Who can tell the mind of a Dutchman! {Let's assume it was a cool disguise - ignore the blood and bullet holes please...}
Victoria is creeping around a deserted area of the castle wall when she hears strange chanting. Following the sound (it is away from the gunfire) she finds a dark figure standing on a remote portion of the wall arms upraised. Slowly, Victoria walks towards the lone figure. She gets within a few feet and recognizes the man at Father Andrej! He is reading from a black leather book that everyone had assumed was a Bible...but not with the words coming from Andrej's mouth! Suddenly the fabric of Reality tears and a five story tall tentacled monster steps into the castle, killing and eating Nazi and Partisan alike! Seeing Andrej is now completely mad and raving (and Victoria not doing too sane herself) Victoria levels her double barrelled shotgun and cuts Andrej in half in a MOST gruesome fashion. 
Phillips is now running around the tower checking rooms. He finds a few rooms with disheveled peasants and throws the keys to the still very wounded Clifton as he continues hunting the "big bad" {the Nazi doktor, not the Shoggoth outside}. Clifton goes to open the barred door and realizes that the "prisoners" are really zombies! He limps after Phillips and tells him to stop consorting with zombies (and get his eyes checked).  The two get upstairs, find the lab, murder the doctor and his hench-interns and Phillips rigs the lab to blow-up.

Victoria meets up with O'Sullivan and Giovanni and they try to make a break for it as the Shoggoth is distracting the Germans. They steal a motorcycle (with sidecar) and at some point O'Sullivan gets rid of his last sticks of dynamite in the back of a truck filled with German reinforcements. 

The gang meets up again at the rally point (maybe with Conrad's Alex) to try to sneak out of Czechoslovakia...

Next stop...Austria!!!

PS ...and now Victoria starts reading the Book of Shadows...


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