Team Teen and the Island of Ignorance (Part 1)

Tonight was Team Teen's second Call of Cthulhu adventure...although down one (Maria Fischer)

The Strauss Inquiry Agency
Catherine Strauss, wealthy dilettante/supra-genius - Teagan
Peaches the Occultist - Cheyenne
Leroya Jenkins, Katherine Strauss's chauffeur/bodyguard - Liz
Marie Fischer, Engineer - Peepers
The Rolls:

I had prepared three different adventures...I'd originally planned run Mike Ferguson's Abominations of the Amazon (from Goodman Games Long Reach of Evil) as a follow-on the the Crack'd and Crook'd Manse, but got an early cool signal from the girls about heading to South somewhere in Massachusetts, if not Arkham, it is. As I looked around through my CoC scenarios, I realized I had never run all of the Islands of Ignorance (by Golden Goblin Press) scenarios. As I am something of a fanboy to GGP and Oscar Rios in general, I was decided. 

So, I briefly described three potential cases (scenarios) as; a haunted lighthouse, a troubled teen, or a drunk driving accident for Leroya...when put to the question, the girls opted for the troubled teen...or Darkness Illuminated (DI). 


DI seems a pretty tough scenario to run. Summary: There is an industrialist who finds an almost dead Mi-Go, captures it and forces it to give up chemistry and biology tech to build his own industrial empire. The Mi-Go (of course) plots its escape/revenge using the organic tech to recruit human allies to free it and destroy the industrialist.

The characters enter easily enough...Florance and Lester "Pike" Nussbaum contact Ms. Strauss due to concerns about their blind son Hans. Hans was blinded at a young age from a bout pf smallpox, but was a pleasant boy and student at St. Lucy's School for the Blind. Recently Has was given a treatment from the new physician at St. Lucy's, one Dr. Herrington, that had seemingly cured his blindness, although his personality seemed radically changed, he was now distant and unemotional. The concerned parents wanted Ms. Strauss to look into it. They did not have much money, buy Lester was a master habadasher and offered Strauss a one of a kind custom handbag and hat...and a pitance for her henchwomen...they were sold!

The ladies charged straight to St. Lucy's. They breezed through the front desk and walked in on Dr. Herrington. He walked with a cane and seemed a bit deformed to Katherine (only one to pass the spot hidden). This is where I really dig these girls...they roleplayed Katherine's spotting the deformity (which Leroya and Peaches did not, instead chalking the observation up as upper class snobbery).Dr. Herrington refused to talk about the experiment due to a non-disclosure agreement - which the parents had also signed and violated.

{This was the beginning of the lawyering up - unfortunately once that cat was out of the bag, the ladies were frustrated at every turn}

With Herrington lawyered up, the ladies headed for Warren Labs, as they were paying the surgeons tab. Peaches and Leroya entered and Peaches made some headway with the local business development guy, but then started asking questions about the experiments at St. Lucy's - more lawyering up and the two were escorted off the premises.

Meanwhile, Ms Strauss was after Herrington. She got Leroya to take them over to the Boston City Hospital where Herrington used to work. The three collectively sweet talked and got the goods on Herrington. He had been a successful surgeon and heir of an industrial business (ie rich). Then, while vacationing with his family, his sailboat had capsized and his wife and youngest son had drowned and his oldest some was in a coma. Herrington himself was practically unscathed.  He spent his fortune trying to cure his son, who eventually passed away and was buried in a quiet ceremony that only Herrington attended. His freinds stated that he had never done research or optics - the man was a surgeon and a damn good one, but not a research doctor. Also - he wasn't hurt in the accident - so Peaches and Leroya had to admit that maybe Catherine was rising above her class prejudice,,,

The plan ahead? Catherine would go undercover at the Wrren Labs as a secretary...likely lasting as long as her patience would allow...while Leroya and Peaches would try to break and enter into the St. Lucy's school to find Hans Nussbaum.

And what will happen if Marie Fischer even gets back from her tour of Longwood Gardens?


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