A Mysterious Benefactor and a Jar of Poisonous Spiders (Tales of the Caribbean Call of Cthulhu)

Frank - conspiracy theorist
Annie - sensationalist reporter for the Hurst papers
Luther - Jamaican trawler captain and adventurer

Frank, Annie and Luther were recovering in Kingstown after the last horrific adventure in the highlands (or in Frank's case, the adventure of an open bar tab) and the disappearance of Dr Cleburne). While gathering for a late breakfast a telgram arrives requesting they come to Pueto Rico to meet an Interested Benefactor in San Juan. With $400 each, and no immediate prospects, they hopped aboard the Emerald Empress (Luther's boat) and set sail.

Arriving in San Juan, they found a city in an economic boom as the American occupation had ended (kind of) and investment was strong. They looked into their benefactor and found that he was none other than the famous Mexican industrialist Diego Safra, a man on par with Ford, Edison and Rockefeller.  They met some of his executives by staying at the best hotel in San Juan (after 7 days on the Empress, they needed a good delousing and a little luxury). 

The next day they were picked up by a limousine and taken to Safra's palace overlooking San Juan and the Atlantic. Safra himself may once have been as handsome, intelligent, and energetic as he was depicted, but now, he was a very old man.  Attended constantly by his two secretaries Tomas and Maria he frequently lapsed into bouts of ennui or senility.  Fortunately Tomas was able to let the investigators know their task...Safra was interested in the Fountain of Youth. He had provided support to Martin Bosley, a Miskatonic University grad student who had access to ancient records - enough to convince Safra that he may be onto something. Safra wanted the investigators to contact and join Bosley on his quest. 

The investigators did some research and found that Bosley had linked up with an English Botanist and was staying in a rented house. They went to the house, and while Luther acted like a SWAT team sniper, Annie went to the front door, while Frank broke in the back. The place was trashed and abandoned. Searching the house they found no blood, or evidence that someone had been there the last several days.

Eventually, Frank found an odd scene. Among the wrecked bedroom as a corner of misplaced order; a stool, with a pillow on top, with three items neatly placed; an ancient bible, a jar with spiders and a small envelope, and a large envelope. 

Luther puzzled over the jar, while Frank looked at the bible (it was in Spanish which no one spoke), and Annie read the letter (introduction for a Dr. Toste for Martin Bosley from a Dr. Armitage of Miskatonic University). 

Luther finally decided to smash the jar, let the spiders escape and read the envelope. It was a business card to a shop called Nightmare Masks.

They wenty back to their hotel room and after a call Tomas came over to translate the bible. It looked normal, though old, except for the notes in the margin which told of a 1513 Spanish Inquisitor's investigation into a powerful witch named Guanina. With the reading Tomas lost some sanity, gained some Mythos and became a new NPC/Player Character!!! 


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