Fire and Brimstone Episode 2: The Thief of Sight (Call of Cthulhu)
The Section M Team
Nora (Kathy), English Adventuress
Mr. Phillips (John), Retired Dutch Engineer – been dealing with the crazy longest
LT Arthur Tennison (Colton), British Navy, Secret Intelligence Service
Yago (Kathy, then Nick), Indian Catholic Priest, Religious Scholar
CPL Ron "Ferret" Farnsworth (Kurt) - British Commando
David Rafael Manasseh (Colton) - Businessman, Spy and Trader of Secrets
{We were missing Eirkir and Nick at the start, so a couple players doubled up...then Nick showed and ran Yago}
Jamished, Kouresh, Habbib, Fritz Lieber Brandt, Detective Khalid, and Dr. Heinz Pringle as themselves.
Mid-January, 1940
The group started with a decision for all of the party to head to Yazd to retrieve the ancient fire needed to access the city. They took a day to gather plenty of supplies in the best truck (ie not the Ferretmobile) and early the next morning the party headed out for the two hundred mile journey. Before noon, they spotted a gang of bandits following them on horseback. The group of horsemen charged and, despite losing one of their number, did not slaughter the party when they had the chance, instead, they grabbed their dead companion and rode off. As the party continued, they realized that someone from Istafaran was following them with malicious intent.
They got to Yazd and Jamished left to make arrangements to get the ancient fire. Mr. Phillips spotted a boy watching the party and followed him back to a teahouse briefing a bandit with a large mustache...the leader of the group that was following them.
Jamishid brought the flame from the holy site and the party decided to take off right away.Ferret was able to redeem his driving honor by making a good lead on the horsemen. Playing the technology card (ie autos get tired less fast than even the best horse) the party made it back to Istafan well in advance of the horsemen.
Deciding to push their luck, the party opted to head right to the dig site that night. They parked the truck (and left Kouresh to guard it) and moved towards the site...they were able to make it close enough to see four european guards talking to two bandits...including one with big mustaches! The leader! Tennison took some of Mr. Phillips precious dynomite and threw it right in the middle of the six men...the party was through messing around! Th explosion killed four men outright, but the other two shot at the nearest target...Tennison! The Bandit Chief put a bullet through the Intelligence officer's brain, but was short lived himself as Ferret put the Thompson SMG to good use.
While making a racket, the party was literally in the middle of nowhere and leaving Kouresh at the truck, went with Jamished to open the portal, but first use the ashes to give them all sight to see the invisible Thief of Sight.
The portal opened...
..and Jamished opted to stay behind, The rest of the party entered the portal to find themselves in a city carved from rock and laid out in a wagon wheel pattern. As they slowly moved towards the center, Yago hear a soft noise and Nora and Mr. Phillips spotted a blind, winged lion-man...The Thief of Sight!
The creature attacked the party, but could not stand against the might of the Thompson SMG! Dead, Ferret pulled a knife and cut the paws off of the beast as the rest of the party moved towards the city center. Passing a strange series of antechambers, the party entered a room with a topaz pool, a ceiling of a sun filled with eyes, and a number (7) of stylized niches, ech holding a elaborate cup. The center cup seemed made of a red crystal. David moved forward and picked up the red cup and looked into it...and went blind! Deciding the Cup of Yima had been found, the party started to lead David (and the Cup) out. Slowly, David's vision returned. Glancing again in the cup, David saw the winged lion man back to life and killing a security guard, and Jamishid outside. Letting everyone know, the party started heading back. The curious Mr. Phillips looked in the Cup too...and went blind! Again, leading a blinded comrade, the party made its way back to the portal. David reported that the lion-man had killed the second security guard and was now fighting a robed man. The party waited, except for Nora who made a run through the portal and to the truck. She made it, even as she saw, and the party asked David...what color robes was the monk wearing. David, "Blue." Older party members, "Oh. Shit."
Figuring whichever one survived was not going to be good, the rest of the party made a dash through the portal. After killing the Blue Robed Monk, the Thief of Sight turned on the party, and while it did some damage, the fusillade of bullets again silenced it.
Nora had the truck running and the party piled in.
With the Cup of Yima in hand and any real opposition possible of preventing them from leaving, the party left for Baghdad. Back in Iraq, the party was ordered to return to London with the cup, as across the world another team set out on a high stakes mission in Peru...