Shadows of Atlantis (Campaign): Finale
Kurt as 1LT Iwo Novak, Polish Mountain Warfare/Commando Expert/inspiration for James Bond
Kathy as Dr. Oydis Skjelvik, Norweigen Physicist/Tesla Acolyte
Colton as LT Duncan Ross, RCAF Bush Pilot
John as Mr. Phillips, Dutch Engineer, The Man Who Has Seen It All
Dr. Runi Strand, Dane Historian and Parapsychologist - a skeptic
CPO Sylvester Murphy, US Navy SP - in way over his head
Sergeant Ron "Ferret" Farnsworth, British Army - back for seconds!
Siomon Gallach - diplomat, turned survivor, lived this far to see the end...
Malik - Inuit Hunter
Stefen Gulbrandsen - anthropologist
{At the end of the last session the group came up with a plan to attack the Nachtwolf base camp: attack with Simon and Sly sabotaging a generator, then heading for the encampment to try to recover Atlantean artifacts. Novak, Feret and Duncon would provide cover fire for Simon and Sly. On the other side of the bowl, Gulbrandsen would cover Malik (who would try to sabotage a generator) and Phillips, Odyssa, Phillips, and Strand who would look at maybe try to destroy, the coils.}
The plan changed slightly with Simon and Sly instead heading in for to the main building first to secure the artifcats. Slipping in at night, everything was quiet. They avoided the guards outside and slipped into the building. Everything was quiet until they entered a room off a corridor - the first image they had was of set metal shields and several Nachtwolf troops with MP40's. Both ran to get out of the building, but were gunned down fom behind!
...thus began the Battle of the Crater. All of the teams in supporting fire positions opened up on the German guards (most of whom turned out to be Danish sailors forced to stand watch). As the bodies built up, more characters noticed trails oif blood snaking through the air to the now activated Tesla coils. Also, someone spotted the Blue Robed Monk at the coils...casting some kind of spell.
The remaining Nachtwolf troopers exited the building and made for the Tesla coils. Mr. Phillips ran forward and threw his two sticks of dynamite at the nearest coil...and disappeared into a rainbow collored wall that replaced the machines. The Blue Monk stepped in, even as Gulbrandson shot him with a hunting rifle.
LT Novak took a few bullets and opted to stay behind to radio for assistance (in the main and now abandoned building). The Nachtwolf agents able to get to the rainbow portal went through, followed by Oydis, Duncan, Strand, Mr. Phillips, and Ferret.
The characters found themselves in a Greek-like city, the ground moving beneath their feet, and a hoirde of screaming people in bright colored tunics running for their lives! Mr Phillips talked to one and could understand what she said. Duncan caught a glimse of a Blue Monk and fired, but missed and hit a native. Phillips caught a glimse of a german, and followed them, deverting twoards the rainbow pillar he saw in the center of town. The rest of the party organized and pulled out the toga man necklace, thinking it woiuld point all over as they suspected (correctly) that they were in ancient Atlantis!
But the little man, pointed in a specific direction topwards a white building on a hill...and the party was off!
Mr. Phillips wandered a little, until he bumped into an "old freind". A young man in his early twenties with a Book of thr Machine under his arm...the future Tsag Lama! After a weird conversation (for the future Lama) Mr. Phillips was directed to the same temple on the hill.
The group together again, they entered the Plato's "Temple of Posiodon" and soon heard machinegun fire. Killing a couple of Nachtwolf troops in front, the party came upon a scene of Atlantian Temple Guards fighting the Nachtwolf troops and the Blue Robed Monk!
Seeing that the guards were protecting a room, Mr. Phillips ran through the fight to get to it, somehow dodging bullets and grenades. The gredades demonstrated the danger of bad throw rolls, taking down more Temple Guards than Germans, but collectively, the party and Atlantean guards got the upper hand and finished the Blue Robed Monk and the spell casting Nachtwolf Commander.
In the Inner Sactum, Mister Phillips observed the fully operational "weapon" although was sent out by the Atlantean Guards.
The Nachtwolf threat gone, the party headed towards the portal home - after Ferret snagged some Atlantean jewelry for the road...
After they left, the core Temple Guards were able to disassemble the weapon and take its pieces across the globe for safekeeping...
The party arrived back in our time at the dawn of a new day. Gulbrandsen and Malik had rounded up the surviving Danish crew, who told the story that their ship had been bombed off the coast of Greenland (by Duncan) and it had killed a lot of the Nachtwolf troops, so the sailors had been empressed to act as labor and guards by Leisel Muhrer (the blond commanderix).
The party discovered that LT Novak had succeded in calling for help and that a US Coast Guard Cutter was on its way, although Novak had died in the process.
It would take a while to clean up, but soon the party was back in England and went their ways.
But for Mister Phillips, there was soon a new France!