DCC Scions of Punjar, Part 7: Finale

Gian as Beltran the Thief and Biddle the Halfling
Keith as Raeburn the Thief and Emyrs the Elf Cleric
Kathy as Kiya the Albino Halfling, Kitilia the Albino Dwarf, Kilcia the Albino Cleric of Mardua
John as Badger the Catsnake Wizard and Amar the Desert Marauder
Walter as Hanur the Dwarf and Gildarin the Elf  
Ben as Renna the Elf and Emma the Cleric

The party started in the windmill (1st floor) figuring out which way to go; down or up. With a consensus of up, Raeburn the Thief and Badger (still slithering on the ceiling from a spider climb spell) headed up the stairs. At the next level was a ladder leading up to a trapdoor 40' above the floor. Badger opened it and blew himself up! (Near death experience 1 of 3 for Badger tonight).Quick, cleric healing! 
Characters who looked upstairs found a chair with a scenic view of Punjar and the surrounding fields.
Re-gathering on the first floor, the party decided to look below...Badger (healed) tried sneaking in on the ceiling in the basement level through a hole in the floor, and was hit by some fire from parts unknown. He slithered off for healing. Next try was Raeburn and Badger (still on the ceiling) went first (down the stairs this time) and found a storeroom, with rats. There was a chute from the outside ground level and a pair of double doors leading further into the basement. Before anyone could do anything, three black leaping spiders attacked. Some characters were killed (and poisined) but...in a party with three clerics, even death wasn't a certainty. 
{Comment: The clerics were key - so many PCs went down this session only for a next round save by a cleric, and the party played it smart pausing to heal up when wounded}
Pausing to heal again, the party went through the double doors into the grist mill room (massive roller on a round stone powered by the windmill). The part was ambushed by Cadavera (the villain) with shotgun magic missles, putting two down at the start from cover. Things went bad quick with Hanur charging the hiding place of Cadavera and others trying for a shot.
Some characters took extreme actions. Well, really just Emrys...who smashed his left arm to invoke Cthulhu to send a dhole worm. Cthulhu cracked an eyelid and summoned a dhole.
Game changer.
The Dhole was a giant killing machine which make quick work of Cadavera, and a few members of the party before disappearing after two rounds. Most dead characters made it back, either through quick cleric action, or successful roll-over checks.  
..but not Biddle the Halfling :(
The party again took healing, then pressed on. A few undead traps were left behind by Cadavera (six zombies in a stream and a pit of undead bones) but the party either made short work of them, or avoided the trap.  
Finding Cadavera's room lead to the 'Monty Haul' a box of enough loot for 461gp per player, four healing (1d6) potions, and Cadasvera's journal detailing her identity as Lakaisha Dev'Shir and her mad plot to kill all of the other Dev'Shir's and take over the noble house. They also found  some plot hooks (if they want) to go after the army of undead that Cadavera was assembling, look for more loot, or just get their reward (how much depending on which character was negotiating). 
Loaded with loot and ready for a rest, the party looked around a little longer, but opted to head back to Habbib's Tavern for some rest, and level up!
RIP Biddle the Halfling


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