
Showing posts from August, 2017

Team Teen and the Island of Ignorance (Part 1)

Tonight was Team Teen's second Call of Cthulhu adventure...although down one (Maria Fischer) Cast: The Strauss Inquiry Agency Catherine Strauss, wealthy dilettante/supra-genius - Teagan Peaches the Occultist - Cheyenne Leroya Jenkins, Katherine Strauss's chauffeur/bodyguard - Liz Marie Fischer, Engineer - Peepers The Rolls: I had prepared three different adventures...I'd originally planned run Mike Ferguson's Abominations of the Amazon (from Goodman Games  Long Reach of Evil ) as a follow-on the the Crack'd and Crook'd Manse, but got an early cool signal from the girls about heading to South somewhere in Massachusetts, if not Arkham, it is. As I looked around through my CoC scenarios, I realized I had never run all of the Islands of Ignorance (by Golden Goblin Press) scenarios. As I am something of a fanboy to GGP and Oscar Rios in general, I was decided.  So, I briefly described three potential cases (scenarios) as; a haunted lighth...

A Mysterious Benefactor and a Jar of Poisonous Spiders (Tales of the Caribbean Call of Cthulhu)

Cast: Frank - conspiracy theorist Annie - sensationalist reporter for the Hurst papers Luther - Jamaican trawler captain and adventurer Frank, Annie and Luther were recovering in Kingstown after the last horrific adventure in the highlands (or in Frank's case, the adventure of an open bar tab) and the disappearance of Dr Cleburne). While gathering for a late breakfast a telgram arrives requesting they come to Pueto Rico to meet an Interested Benefactor in San Juan. With $400 each, and no immediate prospects, they hopped aboard the Emerald Empress (Luther's boat) and set sail. Arriving in San Juan, they found a city in an economic boom as the American occupation had ended (kind of) and investment was strong. They looked into their benefactor and found that he was none other than the famous Mexican industrialist Diego Safra, a man on par with Ford, Edison and Rockefeller.  They met some of his executives by staying at the best hotel in San Juan (after 7 days on the Empres...

DCC Bride of the Black Manse in Three Parts (Player over the last couple months on Roll20)

The Party: Bentley a heavily corrupted Wizard (Chaotic) Tammi a hairless and tattooed human Thief (Chaotic) Jaelle a Cultist of the Unseen One and new meat (Chaotic) Stanwise a halfling vagabond in the wrong place (Neutral?) Thievin' Steven a Thief, and possible future Baron of Westlake, recently returned from the dead (was eaten by Dagon, yes, that Dagon) and marked with a Pentagram on his forehead (Lawful) Nerelon - once female human warrior who recently escaped a Faerie term, now has hairy goat legs and horns - a female saytr (Nuetral) Gobo - a goblin warrior who escaped Faerie with Nerelon (Chaotic) Eata - a goblin witch, also part of the Great Faerie Escape (Chaotic) Part 1 -  The party started "split" - most of the party including the Cultist Jaelle, is sent by Baron Westlake to investigate strange occurrences in the Northern Moors. They travel hence to find themselves in foul weather on a hill looking down into a swampland with a menacing Black Man...

Salt! We need more salt! {A Call of Cthulhu report}

Last night I ran Team Teen through their first Call of Cthulhu adventure...a scene I could never guessed would happen - me running Call of Cthulhu for four (+ one observer non-player) teenage girls... Now I had run Dungeon Crawl Classics for this group before, but DCC is generally more fast and furious action that holds the attention; this was a classic CoC scenario - something I sum up as; investigation, preparation/creeping horror and final confrontation. So I was a little uneasy. I worried the girls would get bored/distracted/wander away. I was pleasantly wrong on all accounts. The scenario was a mash-up of the Crack'd and Crook'd Manse (from Mansions of Madness ) and Mike Ferguson's Abominations of the Amazon (from Goodman Games Long Reach of Evil ). In Crack'd the initiating victim was a South American explorer returned with a unwanted "friend"so it was pretty easy to tie in and add some clues for a follow-up game. The girls randomly generated the...

Dungeon Crawl Classics Funnel - Madazkan's Court

Man, do I love a good Funnel. ​ ​This was a short notice game and we had Valor and Raven L. with four zero level Purple Sorcerer generated peasants each. We had another player who sadly needed to drop.  ​ ​The party established themselves as the Swarthy Rapscallions Adventure Company in Mustertown. They met Old Soily (proprietor of the Soiled Dove and sought out the Lady for advice before heading to the Sending Stone. I added a few nightmare effects that made it clear that Sender may have its own agenda, and the party soon found themselves deep in the Great Swamp. They did spot the ruined coliseum and headed in a direct line in that direction. Soon they ran into the lowland area with the dead opposuman and the crocodillos...and had their first casualty. For a moment it looked like a crocodillo TPK, but the tide soon turned and the party was rewarded with a little loot, including the Malloc statue.  ​ ​Travel to the collosium continued and they found themselves searching ...

Going to start posting/copying my Roll20 Campaign episodes here....

I've found maintaining two (or three) blogs is, er...bad? I just don't update as much on all, so I plan to just repost the campaign logs here. You see I run two long running online games - a Call of Cthulhu series set in Oscar Rios' Tales of the Carribean setting, and a crazy Dungeon Crawl Classics game set in (originally) Bishop's Faerie Tales from Unlit Shores (think Grimm's Faerie Tales meets HP Lovecraft). Although the DCC game has kind of  gone beyond the Faerie tales...whatever. I plan to post the records of play here...we'll see how it goes.