Done With RPG Kickstarters
No more Kickstarters for me.
Too disgusted by the crap planning by both "professional" game company's and RPG authors as well as by amateur game authors who despite professed intentions, have no appreciation of why a group that has provided them seed money expects that they actually;
1) Have a plan
2) Have a final draft of what they plan to produce - so all the "other" stuff - editing, art, publishing, distribution - can be what you are concentrating on.
3) Get a "game face" - yes, your product is something that you may love doing, but you tookother peoples money on the promise to make it happen so set your dislike of some of the less fun parts of the journey and whatever politics or weird ideas you personally have aside and...just get it done.
Instead, how often have I seen clowns running off to GenCon or some other convention to "promote" their product - yeah, right. I'd have no problem, really, if they provided their product on time, yet lo and behold, delays! Then excuses. Then indignation at being called for it.
No. It is fraud. And I think a lot of folks are feeling tired of getting robbed.
And here's a hint game companies - it really pisses your backers off to see the product on the shelves of a local game store before they receive the "early copy" they've waited two years for.
Sadly, the worst is, there is no way to tell from one project to the next which company or individual is worth your trust. All of them have ultimately disappointed me, despite how much I have enjoyed some of their past products.
So for all of you - here's my kick to whatever weak defense you could offer...
I have seen one exception. Pinnacle Games and their Savage Worlds venders have the most reliable track record to date. I suspect they have their 3PP write the draft in well as other good business practices like preplanning publication and editing, but the bottom line - they get their products to the backers early or on time.
So...well done Savage Worlds.
The rest of you publishers need to find a new sucker.