
Showing posts from November, 2018

Fire and Brimstone Episode 2: The Thief of Sight (Call of Cthulhu)

Cast: The Section M Team Nora (Kathy), English Adventuress Mr. Phillips (John), Retired Dutch Engineer – been dealing with the crazy longest LT Arthur Tennison (Colton), British Navy, Secret Intelligence Service Yago (Kathy, then Nick), Indian Catholic Priest, Religious Scholar CPL Ron "Ferret" Farnsworth (Kurt) - British Commando David Rafael Manasseh (Colton) -  Businessman, Spy and Trader of Secrets {We were missing Eirkir and Nick at the start, so a couple players doubled up...then Nick showed and ran Yago} Jamished, Kouresh, Habbib, Fritz  Lieber  Brandt, Detective Khalid, and Dr. Heinz Pringle as themselves. Mid-January, 1940 The group started with a decision for all of the party to head to Yazd to retrieve the ancient fire needed to access the city. They took a day to gather plenty of supplies in the best truck (ie not the Ferretmobile) and early the next morning the party headed out for the two hundred mile journey. Before noon, th...

Scions of Punjar, Part 1 (DCC)

Cast Kathy as Kiya the Albino Halfling, Kilcea the Albino Dwarf, Kitilia the Albino Cleric of Mardua John as Amar the Desert Warrior & Badger the Child Wizard Ben as Renna the Elven Artisan, Emma the Radish Farmer, Alwin the Elvish Navigator, and Rickman the Halfling Trader Sinter, Baden Gruk, and Kisswhere as themselves...City Guard We started with Badger still trying to trade some hot magic scrolls and demon blood (with no success) and Amar trading his camel, shopping for a new scimitar, and getting robbed by a kid. Most effective, was Kitilia who had successfully set up a small chapel to Mardua in the Bazaar of the Gods. A few Guardswoman parishioners brought Sinter (a devout worshipper) to her chapel with a crossbow bolt in her chest. As usual, it was hot or frozen with the healing...this time hot! The wounded Sinter was completely healed through Mardua's grace and as a thanks Badan offered a gold piece (a months pay for him) to Kitilia, which she a ...

Achtung Cthulhu! (Call of Cthulhu), Fire and Brimstone: Episode 1

Cast: The Section M Team Nora (Kathy), English Adventuress Mr. Phillips (John), Retired Dutch Engineer – been dealing with the crazy longest LT Arthur Tennison (Nick), British Navy, Secret Intelligence Service Yago (Erikir), Indian Catholic Priest, Religious Scholar CPL Ron "Ferret" Farnsworth (Kurt) - British Commando David Rafael Manasseh (Colton) -  Businessman, Spy and Trader of Secrets ...and Jamished, Kouresh, Habbib, Fritz  Lieber  Brandt, Detective Khalid, and Dr. Heinz Pringle as themselves. January, 1940 The session started with the group reuniting in Bombay (after the events in the Jaipur Incident) and having decided to go after the Cup of Yima in Persia, instead of running back to England to piece together Section M (which was nearly wiped put in a German commando raid). In Bombay, the group was to hop the first transport smoking for the Persian Gulf. Conveniently, the  Emerald of Madras  was sailing with the 3 rd India...