Shadows of Atlantis (Campaign): Finale
Cast: Kurt as 1LT Iwo Novak, Polish Mountain Warfare/Commando Expert/inspiration for James Bond Kathy as Dr. Oydis Skjelvik, Norweigen Physicist/Tesla Acolyte Colton as LT Duncan Ross, RCAF Bush Pilot John as Mr. Phillips, Dutch Engineer, The Man Who Has Seen It All Dr. Runi Strand, Dane Historian and Parapsychologist - a skeptic CPO Sylvester Murphy, US Navy SP - in way over his head Sergeant Ron "Ferret" Farnsworth, British Army - back for seconds! Siomon Gallach - diplomat, turned survivor, lived this far to see the end... Malik - Inuit Hunter Stefen Gulbrandsen - anthropologist {At the end of the last session the group came up with a plan to attack the Nachtwolf base camp: attack with Simon and Sly sabotaging a generator, then heading for the encampment to try to recover Atlantean artifacts. Novak, Feret and Duncon would provide cover fire for Simon and Sly. On the other side of the bowl, Gulbrandsen would cover Malik (who wo...